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Spring 2025 Details

We missed you...AND you missed this!
REGISTRATION for Spring 2025 is NOW OPEN!  Be certain to LOG ON TO THE NEW Registration Site (as required by THE International Little League Organization).

Spring Season will begin with two to three weeks of practice (approximately April 1- -April 18)
Spring Season Games will kick off during the week of April 21Season will conclude on June 6 (approximate date)

TRYOUTS for AAA Baseball and MAJORS Baseball will occur on March 16 (early morning- -details to follow)  ALL players registered for AAA Baseball and Majors Baseball MUST attend.  Team formation is created using a Baseball DRAFT.

Tball will practice/play on Mondays & Wednesdays
AA Baseball will practice/play on Tuesdays & Thursdays
AAA Baseball will practice/play on Mondays & Wednesdays
Majors Baseball will practice/play Mondays THRU Thursdays

5- -7 Softball will practice/play on Tuesdays & Thursdays
10U Softball will practice/play on Mondays & Wednesdays
12U Softball will practice/play as determined by Interleague Schedule (typically Mondays THRU Thursdays)

Spring CleanUp will occur on Saturday, March 22 at 10:00 a.m.(Adults and players could assist with field cleanups)

Coach/Volunteer CPR/AED Training will occur on Thursday, March 20 between 5:00 p.m.- -9:00 p.m. at the CMo Community Center (next to high school)

NEW THIS YEAR:"Little League Day" hosted by the Varsity Softball & Varsity Baseball Teams (wear your jersey, run the bases, meet the Varsity players, cheer on our Center Moriches Red Devils)  Dates to be determined this spring!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!  Don't delay...register today!

2025 Winter Clinic Series

Join us on Sunday afternoons as we continue our annual WINTER CLINIC SERIES!  Hosted by our Little League directors, local coaches, and high school players, your little slugger will get a chance to WARM UP THIS WINTER!  Registration fee includes six fun-filled skill sessions and a Little League tee-shirt!  (Ages 3- -13)

First Aid/CPR Training


Spring Clean Up: 2025


Spring Season Kickoff


2025 Winter Clinic #3: Spring Is Just Around the Corner

Despite the Groundhog's suggestion that winter will remain for 6 more weeks, we know that SPRING is just around the corner!

As we mark the halfway point of the 2025 Winter Clinic, the athletes continue to make excellent progress, guided by our Center Moriches Varsity & JV Athletes!

Don't delay...Register for Spring 2025 today!

2025 Winter Clinic Kicks Off

The Moriches Bay Little League Winter Clinics kicked off last weekend!  Special thanks to our Varsity/JV Center Moriches High School players on their assistance with our program!  The dedication and compassion of our Softball and Baseball players is evident as they share their passion for the sport with our younger players!  

2025 Winter Clinic #2

Another fun-filled week hosted by our Center Moriches Varsity/JV Softball and Baseball players!  Special thanks to our RED DEVILS players for their continued patience, kindness, and athleticism.


Player registration for the 2025 Season is NOT YET OPEN!

The Registration "Home" is not currently available.


Volunteers are needed

MBLL will provide training and supplies to all COACHES!

This will allow us to maximize the instruction and playing time of each player.

2024 MBLL Softball Scholarship Recipient: EMMA POWELL

Congratulations to our 2024 Moriches Bay Little League SOFTBALL Scholarship Recipient: Emma Powell.

As part of her application, Emma wrote:

"I watched her take to the mound, I couldn't see her through her face mask, but I knew it was her from the signature black buns sticking out the back. It felt weird being in the bleachers and not on the mound; I could feel her nerves and her excitement. I watched her step straight like she was on a balance beam, like we practiced repeatedly.....I had never been more proud. IT IS ONE THING TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING YOURSELF AND IT IS ANOTHER LEVEL OF PRIDE THAT COMES WITH TEACHING SOMEONE AND WATCHING THEM FIND SUCCESS THROUGH A WAY YOU SHARED WITH THEM!!!!"

The Moriches Bay Little League feels the same way about YOU...Emma Powell!






You left it all on the field this season...and on the other side of the homerun fence! Your senior year was record setting as an athlete AND a leader! We look forward to following your collegiate softball career!

2024 MBLL Baseball Scholarship Recipient: ANDREW FOSTER

Congratulations to the 2024 Moriches Bay Little League BASEBALL Scholarship Recipient: Andrew Foster!!!

In his application, Andrew wrote:

"From playing at Beachfern and Brookfield to the vibrant atmosphere of competing for a Long Island Championship at Hofstra University. The lessons I learned and skills honed during my formative years from T-ball to the Majors have been instrumental in shaping my achievements at Center Moriches Varsity Baseball....As a member of a Little League team, I learned the importance of working together towards a shared goal, pushing each other to our limits, and respecting each other and our opponents. These values served as guiding principles in my career, shaping me into a leader on and off of the field, as I am a captain on Varsity this year."

We've had the pleasure to watch Andrew play baseball, which is impressive, but then he recently spoke about the academic programming here at Center Moriches and we became even more impressed. Kudos, Andrew, to becoming the definition of student-athlete...finding success both on the diamond and in the classroom. It is clear that Andrew will find success as he moves into his collegiate years!

Congratulations Andrew!!!

2024 End-of-Season Celebration

Save The Date:

Saturday, June 15 the Moriches Bay Little League End-of-Season Celebration will be held at BEACHFERN!

The day will include Majors Baseball Playoff Game, All Baseball & Softball Divisions Medal Ceremony, Awards Presentation (selected players and volunteers), Photo Retake Day (any individual player), Majors Baseball Photos (team and individual), Concessions, Food, Beverage, 50-50 Raffle, Gift Baskets, & More

8:30 a.m.     Majors Baseball Playoff Game

10:00 a.m.  Photographer will be present to take Majors Baseball Team & Individual Photos, as well as individual retakes

10:30 a.m.  Awards Presentation (selected players and volunteers) & Medal Ceremony for ALL baseball and softball divisions

11:00 a.m.  Majors Softball Celebration

MBLL 2024: Major League Softball Red Devils

MBLL 2024: Major League Baseball ROYALS

MBLL 2024: Yellow Jacks (5- -7 Softball)

MBLL 2024: 12U Red Devils Softball Major League

2024 Season Week #4: MBLL Team-of-the-Week

Congratulations to our Moriches Bay Little League 12U Red Devils Softball team on their exciting victory this week!  They played their best game yet defeating ESM 12-11!  Their record now moves to 7-2-2!  These girls are on the GO just like their sponsor...Nissan 112!

2024 Season Week #3: MBLL Team-of-the-Week

Congratulations to the players and coaches of the Major League Royals baseball team!  This squad hit the diamond with great spirit and good hustle in their first week of field play.  Just like our sponsor, RIVERHEAD TOYOTA, these players are constantly ON THE GO!  

We wish them all the best of luck as they move into the new few games in their schedule!

2024 Season Week #2: MBLL Team of the Week

Congratulations to our MBLL "Team-of-the-Week"...The Yellow Jackets (5--7 softball)!!!

These young ladies, and their coaches, took to the field this week to warm up for their scheduled games next week!

Just like our newest sponsor, GP Landscape Design, "through quality service and reliability, we grow!" We know these girls are GROWing their skills due to our reliable coaches and sponsors!

Interested in becoming a new sponsor? Ready to renew your sponsorship from last season? Click on the link to support our efforts!

2024 Season Week #1: MBLL Team of the Week

Congratulations to the #1 team to hit the little league field this season! Our Moriches Bay Little League Red Devils took the field FIRST this season and their "excellence rises to the top!!!"

This team receives our first "Team of the Week" award sponsored by one of our newest MBLL sponsors, A1 Roofing A1 Roofing. As the 12U team secures their first victory of the season, we remind them of A1 Roofing's slogan....excellence rises to the top!!!

Specials thanks to @A1 Roofing and all our Moriches Bay Little League sponsors!!!!

Interested in being a MBLL sponsor? Email

MBLL 2024 Week #4: Player-of-the-Week

Congratulations to this week's "Player of the Game," Grace Onorato.   During the most recent 12U Major League Softball Game, Grace hung in as catcher for the full length of the competition.  In addition, Grace had the play-of-the-game by fielding a wild pitch and throwing to three for the out!  Grace knows how to "MOW DOWN" the competition just like our sponsor, Chip's Evergreen Landscaping.  

Special thanks to our local sponsor for supporting the efforts of our coaches and players.  Remember, it's never too late to become a sponsor! 

MBLL 2024 Week #3: Player-of-the-Week

Congratulations to this week's "Player-of-the-Game"....Ford Davey! This terrific TEE-BALL titan took the field for the first time and hit a HOMERUN! Ford appropriately celebrated with a juice box and ice cream!!!!! We know that this is the first of many, many BIG PLAYS that will occur in Ford's future....Special thanks to one of our fantastic sponsors, Davey Law, for supporting the efforts of our players and coaches this season!

Remember, it's never too late to become a Moriches Bay Little League Sponsor! Contact OR register digitally to become a 2024 sponsor!

MBLL 2024 Week #2: Player of the Week

Check out our newest MBLL Player-of-the-Week, Shea Hinrichs....

There is TRUE VALUE in being a full team player! Shea knows this as she was "caught" cleaning up equipment at the end of each practice!

Special thanks to another one of our RETURNING sponsors, Druek's True Value Steven Hardware for their commitment to our Moriches Bay Little League

Looking to renew your sponsorship? Interested in becoming a new sponsor? Many options available!

MBLL 2024 Week #1: Players of the Week

Congratulations to this week's PLAYERS OF THE GAME!

Marisa M & Addison E had a series of firsts during their FIRST GAME of the season! Marisa had her first IN-THE-PARK HOMERUN while Addison put down her FIRST SUCCESSFUL BUNT!

These Moriches Bay Red Devils compete for our 12U Team and are teammates on the Center Moriches Middle School team!

We know that we can COUNT on them this season!

Special thanks to RETURNING MBLL Sponsor: JTS Associates CPAs, PC. At JTS Associates, they "nurture growth and fuel success!" Moriches Bay Little League we do the same.

Player-of-the-Week: GRACE

Player-of-the-Week: FORD

Player-of-the-Week: SHEA

Players-of-the-Week: Marisa and Addison


"BEACHFERN" is located at Veterans' Memorial Field at 4 Beachfern Road in Center Moriches.  Parking is limited to side-of-street parking and there is a porta-potty.  Field is located just off Main Street.  Ice Cream shop is at corner, along with pizzeria and CVS.  Field is DIRT and GRASS!

"ATLANTIC" is located at the very end of Atlantic Avenue in East Moriches.  (take until the end)  Do NOT park directly behind homeplate due to foul balls and broken windshields.  There is a porta-potty (bring toilet paper and hand sanitizer).  Field is TURF!

"BROOKFIELD" is located just south of the railroad tracks on the property of Clayton Huey Elementary School.  The baseball diamond is DIRT and GRASS.  There is a porta-potty available on site.  

"MAC" Fields are located at the Moriches Athletic Complex at 640 Moriches-Middle Island Road in Moriches.  The complex has porta-potties and indoor bathrooms (when open).  Often, the concession stand may be open for food/beverage sales. The fields at this location are TURF!

2024 Spring Clean Up

Special thanks to ALL of our volunteers (BIG AND SMALL) who helped to provide our local fields with a little SPRING CLEANING!!!!

Moriches Bay Little League 2023 District 36 Champions

Moriches Bay Little League 2023 District 36 Champions

Congratulations to our Moriches Bay Little League 2023 District 36 Champions!  The All-Star team comprised of Major League players secured the title of New York Little League District 36 Division 9/10/11 2023 Baseball Champions!

2024 Moriches Bay Little League SPONSORS

Thank you to these sponsors who have already committed to the 2024 Moriches Bay Little League Season!

Moriches Bay Little League 2023 SPONSORS

Moriches Bay Little League 2022 SPONSORS

Special thanks are extended to our sponsors for the 2022 Moriches Bay Little League Season!

Moriches Bay Little League 2024 Winter Clinics

Our 2024 Winter Clinic sessions are well underway! Thanks to the assistance of our Center Moriches High School Softball and Baseball players, Little League players meet weekly to develop their hitting, pitching, throwing, and fielding skills! Everyone is looking forward to OPENING DAY this Spring! Special thanks to our Varsity and JV players for their weekly assistance!

Moriches Bay Little League: IN ACTION

Registration for the upcoming 2024 Baseball and Softball Seasons is NOW OPEN!!! VOLUNTEERS are needed in ALL coaching positions as we approach the new season! Follow our website and social media pages for information about the 2024 Winter Clinic and the 2024 Spring Season!


Moriches Bay Little League is a local baseball and softball organization consisting of over 300 children and more than 40 volunteers.  Over the last 60 years, alumni from our league have represented our community in state and national competitions, as well as competing professionally in their respective sports.  We also provide alumni with college athletic scholarships to their chosen schools, as well as donate toward school-sponsored events.

Our goal is to develop the basic fundamentals of baseball/softball, foster a sense of community pride and sportsmanship in all our athletes, and help children find a love of THE GAME!

Kerry Coonan

Moriches Bay Little League